
Find jobs and never go on a empty voyage.

Find Voyages Simplified

Central Barge streamlines the inland barging industry. Our user-friendly platform connects supply and demand, allowing you to find suitable voyages in just a few clicks.

Gain a competitive advantage

Minimize your CO2 footprint

Expand and build up your network

Minimize empty voyages

Register your ship.

Barge owners and companies can easily register their ship(s) and create their own fleetlist. Enter all barge details and manage your fleet with ease

Find the perfect job and express your interest

Use our smart filter system to find the perfect job on our platform. Once found you can easily express your interest in the trip with a simple click.

Get notified and discuss further details

Once you have expressed your interest, the job poster gets notified and receives your contact information. Discuss all details with the job poster directly outside the platform.

Finalize the deal and complete the job

Once accepted you will receive a notification and can find all job details back in the my jobs page

Expand your network and find your perfect voyage

Gain acces to all inland barging market players with one simple click. Our smart filter system shows you the right voyages for you and your ship(s)

Minimize empty voyages and optimize operations

Our unique matching system provides insights into the most suitable voyages for your ship(s), enabling you to make the best choices, prevent empty voyages, and increasing your bottom line.

Manage your voyages with ease

Manage your voyages in your own dashboard. Keep track of all job details with real time updates and information

independent, unbiased, and transparent.

Our independent position guarantees a fair and transparent partnership.

Sign up to receive early access & use the platform for *free.


*At product launch pre-subscribers will receive free access during the early stage launch.

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